Course Overview
The BSN is an inspiring trip through the Old and New Testament. While studying it, the participants will examine the Kingdom of God, His Nature and Character, His purposes in history and the interaction with His creation. We focus on the vital message of the Gospel and the christian life, discovering practical principals of leadership, civil government and economy. The understanding of these principles is essential to cooperate with God in order to bring transformation and freedom to the nations.
This is a bilingual school (English and Spanish).
The Bible School for the Nations (BSN) is a short course for those who want to:
Deepen their understanding of the whole message of the Bible
Be trained to disciple nations effectively
Develop tools for a lifetime of study
Learn how the Bible applies to every area of life and society
Be more effective communicators
Lecture Phase (15 weeks)
The BSN uses a chronological method to study the Scriptures to see God's hand and eternal purposes within history. With an emphasis on application, the students learn interactively how to study and understand the Bible in its historical context, culture and grammar. We develop tools to approach difficult passages and compile a Biblical topical resource for future teachings. There are also opportunities for the participants to become more effective and creative communicators.
Panorama of the Truth
Old Testament course
New Testament course
Introduction to discipleship of nations, including the Bliblcal principles of:
Civil Government
Outreach Phase (8 Weeks)
The outreach of 8 weeks helps the student grow in their leadership abilities and team work, it also provides a practical experience in teaching Biblical seminars in cross-cultural situations. The outreach teams will provide biblical training to pastors, church leader and youth with a hunger for Truth.
The cost of the Lecture Phase (3 months) is US $1,200 ( or its equivalent in Córdobas). The cost of outreach varies based on location. In the past, we have sent teams all over Central America, South America and Cuba.
More Information
More Information
Location : Diriamba, Nicaragua
Pre-requirements: Discipleship Training School (DTS)
The BSN is registered with the University of the Nations UofN CCM368 (fase teórica) / CCM369 (cruzada)
How to Apply:
Download the Application here and send to
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We would love to hear from you!
Tel: +(505) 2534-2125 Cel +(505) 8887-2183
Km 42 Carretera Sur 200 metros al Este de la Gasolinera Esso
Diriamba, Nicaragua